Middle School Diversity

Diversity, Equity, + Inclusion

As an integral element of our mission, 海德罗伊斯学校一直致力于为整个K-12社区创造和维持公平公正的学校文化和环境, children and adults alike.


能够为这所学校的孩子们服务是一种极大的荣幸,mg电子试玩app所做的一切都以学生为中心. We believe that every child on our campus should be seen, 有价值的, 庆祝, affirmed across every facet of their school experience.

We understand that 多样性, 股本, 包容 难道不应该在学术和课外规划中加入一些流行语吗. 它们是mg电子试玩app用来为mg电子试玩app照顾的每个孩子建立归属感文化的工具。

  • mg电子试玩app的多元化工作提出了由谁组成海德罗伊斯社区的问题
  • mg电子试玩app的公平工作对mg电子试玩app的学生进入校园后所使用的系统和结构提出了问题
  • mg电子试玩app的包容性工作邀请mg电子试玩app考虑学生的学习经历——询问他们在mg电子试玩app美丽的校园里学习的内容和方式

mg电子试玩app在建立归属感文化方面的工作是基于这样一种信念,即当多样化的学习者能够获得为支持他们身体而设计的教育生态系统时, 思想, 而精神——当他们有机会在课堂上参与实践时……当学习被严格的智力所定义时, 社区, self-knowledge—every child can thrive. At Head-Royce, we understand that for our students to flourish, mg电子试玩app的责任不仅仅是喂鱼,还要确保它们游泳的水是健康的. By focusing on the systems, 实践, structures our students experience on campus, mg电子试玩app可以确保mg电子试玩app正在创造一种文化,在这种文化中,学生们可以展示自己,并知道什么是茁壮成长.

In partnership,

Savannah Strong Headshot
Savannah Strong
Dean of Equity and Community


Anti-Racism Statement


Anti-Racism Statement

Head-Royce School stands against racism and hatred in all its forms. mg电子试玩app的 entire 社区 reflects 多样性 in cultural, 种族, 宗教, 性别 identities and we are stronger because of it. mg电子试玩app的 School's mission is built on the pillars of 多样性, 公民身份, academics; our commitment to these principles demands that we raise our voices in pursuit of justice. We acknowledge the significant, ongoing pain and violence inflicted upon our Black 社区, 并承诺采取切实行动,消除系统性的种族主义和压迫,以体现mg电子试玩app的使命.



归属感 Newsletter


归属感 Newsletter
Read all issues of our 归属感 通讯 在这里!

Nia Endowed Scholarship

Nia Endowed Scholarship for Students of Color

Purpose of Nia

Nia is the Swahili word for “purpose.“妮娅鼓励mg电子试玩app审视自己,设定对社区有益的目标. 它代表了mg电子试玩app对孩子的未来和海德罗伊斯的未来的希望和梦想. As a group of parents, 教师, administrators, mg电子试玩app共同努力在海德罗伊斯内部培养社区精神,同时与社区团体建立伙伴关系, 个人, businesses.


Nia成立于2003年,当时四位海德罗伊斯的母亲聚在一起讨论如何贡献和支持海德罗伊斯使命奖学金的三个原则, 多样性, 公民身份. 他们决定举办一年一度的演讲活动,向海德罗伊斯和更大的奥克兰社区开放. 这些创始成员还有一个同样重要的目标,即建立一项捐赠奖学金,以支持黑德罗伊斯学校录取的有色人种学生的学费. 

Nia in the Head-Royce Community

由草根筹款和Nia创始人的个人财务贡献建立, Scholarship Endowment Fund has raised over $200,并确保被录取的有色人种学生在他们的海德罗伊斯学术生涯中得到经济支持, regardless of any socio-economic limitations.




公平和包容办公室很自豪能与海德罗伊斯的各个团体合作,包括 CommunityEd Speaker's Series, 父母' Association,和 Nia Speaker of Color Series – to bring outstanding thinkers and activists to our 社区.

Learn more about upcoming and past events



Family Affinity Groups

Family Affinity Groups

Affinity groups create a space for people with common interests, backgrounds and shared identities (such as race, 性别, 宗教, 等.) to come together for support and 社区. 海德罗伊斯亲和小组由现任家长领导,反映了当前的社区.

mg电子试玩app的 2023–24 Affinity Groups are: 

  • African American Family Network
  • Asian 父母 Network
  • Gender and Sexuality Diversity Network
  • Latino Families Network
  • Learning Differences Network
  • White Anti-Racist Family Network


Student Affinity Groups

Student Affinity Groups

For students seeking an affinity group,re are many on campus to join. T在这里 are nine 上学校 groups and several middle school groups. 这些每年都在变化,反映了mg电子试玩app当前社区的需求. mg电子试玩app2023–24 Affinity Groups are: 


  • Black Student Union (BSU)
  • Desi Originated Student Association (DOSA)
  • Gender Sexuality Diversity (GSD)
  • Jewish Affinity Group
  • Latinos Unidos
  • Multi-Racial Affinity Group
  • Muslim Middle-Eastern, North African, Southwest Asian Group (MMENA)
  • Neuro多样性 Alliance
  • Pan-Asian Student Alliance (PASA)
  • White Anti-Racist Group (WAG)

Middle School

  • Asian, Pacific Islander, South Asian Alliance (APISSA)
  • Black Student Union (BSU)
  • Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
  • Jewish Student Alliance
  • Mixed-Race Affinity
  • Latinos Unidos
  • Students of Color Alliance
  • White Anti-Racist Group (WAG)


Professional Development

Professional Development

所有海德罗伊斯专业社区成员全年都有专业发展机会. Here is a small sampling of our recent work:

  • 一群成年人和学生参加了2023年NAIS有色人种会议和学生多样性领导会议
  • Full Professional Community workshop with E&我的培训师罗塞塔·李“超越为什么,进入如何:迈向包容性课堂的实际步骤”
  • 与Elena Aguilar一起举办mg电子试玩app有效和公平领导的行政领导讲习班
  • 国家平等项目全年为教职员工设立种族亲和团体



DEI Mission Statement

We are committed to: 
  • 努力培养本地和全球的视野,使mg电子试玩app作为一个社区拥抱世界文化, solve pressing issues, understand interconnectedness, evaluate and resolve conflicts and cause positive change.
  • Continually recognize and urgently repair any and all hurt or harm caused, individually and systematically.  
  • 挑战mg电子试玩app的机构,超越多样性,在各个层面嵌入包容性和归属感. 
  • Actively promoting respect for others, embracing individual, 文化和社会经济差异与塑造社会责任, 股本 and justice. mg电子试玩app寻求以同情和尊重的态度参与和倾听现有的差异. 
  • Investing in the recruitment, hiring and retention of Black, 土著和有色人种(BIPOC),因为mg电子试玩app学校重视BIPOC社区的观点和领导能力.
  • Welcoming the discomfort of making mistakes. mg电子试玩app承认,创建一个包容和安全的学习社区需要进化,mg电子试玩app必须接受冲突和不适,并从错误中吸取教训.
  • 为mg电子试玩app的专业社区成员提供必要的时间和资源, administration and Board of Trustees to participate in trainings, review and revise curriculum, 教育学, policies and 实践 through an anti-racist lens.

With these commitments, mg电子试玩app打算通过确保所有学生和专业社区成员的赋权和归属感来塑造mg电子试玩app学校的文化. Through these efforts, we hope that our students will gain a greater understanding of themselves, 同时培养接受差异的能力,深入思考mg电子试玩app多样化的社会以及预期的和必须发生的变化.



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